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Imagine, Live, Realize
Turn your imagination into action, your potential into reality.
Evolutionary Visualization helps you unleash your talent, achieve your goals, and experience the perfect performance.
Train your mind to visualize success and make it a part of your life.

Private session

Personalized coaching for athletes and individuals who want to work on improving performance through Evolutionary Visualization.
Group session for Teams
Mental coaching training for sports groups, teams or squads, to enhance cohesion, concentration and collective performance.
Participation in workshops
Participation and guidance in training events, workshops and seminars on mental growth and Evolutionary Visualization applied to sports and beyond.
Created by Alessio Fiorucci
Director "Emotional Coaching Academy"
Leacturer ISMCA (International Sport Mental Coach Association)
Professional Mental Coach registred in A.Co.I. (NO. 1690)
Facilitator in Mindfulness accredited IPHM e IMMA
Certification "La mente e il suo potenziale" tibetan meditation course corso of Lama Tzong Khapa Institute
Specialist in "Inner Game"
Ti guiderò ad affrontare le principali difficoltà che ostacolano il tuo benessere e il tuo successo, trasformandole in opportunità di crescita.

Private session
Personalized coaching for athletes and individuals who want to work on improving performance through Evolutionary Visualization.

Group session for Teams
Mental coaching training for sports groups, teams or squads, to enhance cohesion, concentration and collective performance.

Participation in workshops
Participation and guidance in training events, workshops and seminars on mental growth and Evolutionary Visualization applied to sports and beyond.

Creation of a personalized Evolutionary Visualization audio that guides the client, through an exclusive technique, towards needs and goals.

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